Laima qualified with a Professional Acupuncture Licentiate after completing the 3 year course at the International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM). She is a certified member of the British Acupuncture Council.
Laima’s approach incorporates Traditional Chinese Medicine, Five Element and Classical Stems and Branches to offer treatments tailored to each patient’s unique condition. Her treatments acknowledge and respect every patient’s individual journey – supporting the inseparable relationship between the body and the mind. This approach addresses a patient’s whole condition: physical, mental and emotional – not simply treating symptoms in isolation.
Laima is passionate about the benefits of acupuncture to support patients with a wide range of conditions. She has particular interests in women’s health (the journey from puberty to menopause and beyond: menstruation issues, infertility, menopausal symptoms) ; as well as depression, anxiety and stress relief.
Laima is available on Saturdays in the Community Multibed Acupuncture Clinic.
Lic.Ac., MBAcC