Kirsten Germann qualified as an Acupuncturist in 1994 from ICOM. She is a member of the British Acupuncture Council. Since then she has been working at the Eastbourne Clinic of Natural Medicine and at the Chilston Clinic in Tunbridge Wells as well as at ICOM Clinic in East Grinstead.
Kirsten has been teaching and studying yoga for many years, travelling extensively to India to further her knowledge and is currently working on several charitable projects in South India. In recent years, Kirsten has been part of an Acupuncture Training Program in northern Myanmar (Burma), enabling local traditional doctors to use Acupuncture as an effective tool to help their many patients.
Kirsten enjoys working with clients for a broad range of conditions: allergies, asthma, migraines, hormonal disturbances, depression, cravings, addictions, muscular injuries and pain, chronic conditions like arthritis, MS, paralysis, nerve related pain, the after effects of stroke and also complex conditions that cannot yet be diagnosed or helped by orthodox medicine, as well as general balancing. She particularly enjoys working with children.
She offers Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture, which is a gentle non-invasive technique producing a radiant complexion.
As well as practising in the clinic, Kirsten is a Clinic Supervisor in the college’s student clinic. She also regularly teaches Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture techniques to qualified practitioners.
Kirsten is available at ICOM on Thursdays.
Lic.Ac., MBAcC